Friday, 4 January 2013

Download Sci-fi theme for rainmeter

Hi Guys,
First of all i like to thank all the groups and all the deviants for appreciating my last 3 rainmeter skins. Which has been a motivation for me to make this skin.
Icons used in this skin are courtesy of dAKirby309 [link]
This skin is kind of a all in one skin, since it has almost all the options available in raimeter, that to in a single skin.
The features in this skin are
1) Rotator meter for CPU and RAM usage.
2) Media player
3) Shutdown, lock, restart and log off options.
4) Weather meter
5) Download and upload meter
6) 2 launchers.
7) Disk status.
8) Time and date.

Some of the animations cannot been seen in the picture, so please see this video, to see how the animations work
Minimum requirement: windows xp and rainmeter Ver.
1) I have added drive letters for A to Z in the folder
2) I have added more icons in the folder please feel free to use them
3) If your left click on the center button the skin should open and if you right click the center button again the skin should close.
Please comment on any errors, modifications, improvements ets.
I designed this theme from nothing, so it will really good if you guys can fav me when you download this so that more users can see and use this skin.
Hope y'all like it, download and Have fun!!
Thank you.

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